What types of Toe Pads are there?

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What Toe Pads are used for?

First of all, toe pads are worn inside the pointe shoes and are used as pain relief and to reduce the pressure over the toes.

Having said that, every dancer has her/his preference when it comes to the amount of padding used in pointe shoes. For example, some like it as little as possible, to feel the floor and articulate the foot without interference. On the other hand, some like substantial padding to minimise blisters, pressure on the toes and general discomfort. 

What types of Toe Pads are there?

We are aware that what works for someone might not be necessarily right for somebody else. This is why here at Dancing Zone, we stock a wide variety of toe pads, made from material – eg. rubber, gel, wool, as well as different shapes, sizes and thickness. Check out our new Eco Toe Pads made with Bio cotton fabric with silicone gel.  

In addition to toe pads, some dancers like to add extra protection to their toes. Such as jelly tube, which fit around the toes, or toe tape – which can help dancers avoid blisters and other abrasions. 

Check out our  “Toe Care” Kit, which contains all you need to look after your feet in your pointe class!


Keep in mind even the lightest form of padding can change the fit and the box width of a pointe shoe. We suggest you wear the same toe pads when fitting your new pair of pointe shoes!


You can find all of our dance accessories in the dedicated section Føtter & Tåspiss Tilbehør. If you have any questions or are not sure what type of toe pad is best for you, drop a message at info@dancingzone.no or contact us via Facebook or Instagram. We will be happy to assist you!

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